you can be happy to unlocking network lock HUAWEI E5573bs-320 from here for free because there are few real sites which can show or explain how to unlock or to get a tool that you can unlock your HUAWEI E5573bs-320 without credit or any network code it fast, simple and easy to unlock this device just follow the instruction below.
- Download Huawei_E5573Bs-320-UNLOCK-by-anonyshu.rar on link
- Download Huawei USB driver from here
>>Extract(unzip) Huawei_E5573Bs-320-UNLOCK-by-anonyshu.rar with WinRAR or 7-Zip
>>Extract(unzip) Balong_USB_Downloader_1.0.1.10 (1).7z with WinRAR or 7-Zip
>>Now run Balong_USB_Downloader_1.0.1.10 .exe
>>Now back cover leave the battery inside and remove 6 screws an open the front of the devices
>>Then you need to shot motherboard with a tweezer or any wire copper in order to get bootloader. look at the test point-1 picture below to know how to shot motherboard
>>Extract(unzip) Balong_USB_Downloader_1.0.1.10 (1).7z with WinRAR or 7-Zip
>>Now run Balong_USB_Downloader_1.0.1.10 .exe
>>Now back cover leave the battery inside and remove 6 screws an open the front of the devices
>>Then you need to shot motherboard with a tweezer or any wire copper in order to get bootloader. look at the test point-1 picture below to know how to shot motherboard
>>Click on 1 Detect button you will see "Huawei Mobile Connect-3G PC UI interface (COMxx)" detect
>>Click on 3 dots button then locate and add usbloaderE5573s.bin inside the extract(unzip) folder click on Load button and wait for complete flash
>>Shot again motherboard click an again 1Detect button, click on 3 dots button locate and add usbloader-5573bs.bin click load button now wait for flash complete
>>Extract(unzip) Huawei_E5573bs-320_Firmware_21. and Run P711s-E5_Update_21. then click on start button wait for flashing process complete then click finish button don't disconnect USB
>>Now extract(unzip) Huawei_E5573Bs-320_Firmware_21. after extract(unzip) >>Run E5573_Update_21. click start button wait for flashing complete after complete click finish button
>>Extract(unzip) E5573Bs-320_Update_WEBUI_17., Run E5573Bs-320_Update_WEBUI_17. click on start button now wait for flashing process complete remember don't disconnect USB while you flashing.
>>After complete all flashing process you will be unlocked your Huawei e5573bs-320 but the IMEI number it will be 0000000000000000 so you will be needed to fix by dc-unlocker2client.exe then you need to get an IMEI of your device. to get IMEI to leave a cover and battery you will see it
>>After getting IMEI, put any sim card in your device put a battery power on the device then run dc-unlocker2client.exe click on search icon button Now type your IMEI on IMEI write code(at^cimei="354176109748XXX") then copy and paste on dc-unlocker2client then click enter you will get a message which says (ok)
>>Click on 3 dots button then locate and add usbloaderE5573s.bin inside the extract(unzip) folder click on Load button and wait for complete flash
>>Shot again motherboard click an again 1Detect button, click on 3 dots button locate and add usbloader-5573bs.bin click load button now wait for flash complete
>>Extract(unzip) Huawei_E5573bs-320_Firmware_21. and Run P711s-E5_Update_21. then click on start button wait for flashing process complete then click finish button don't disconnect USB
>>Now extract(unzip) Huawei_E5573Bs-320_Firmware_21. after extract(unzip) >>Run E5573_Update_21. click start button wait for flashing complete after complete click finish button
>>Extract(unzip) E5573Bs-320_Update_WEBUI_17., Run E5573Bs-320_Update_WEBUI_17. click on start button now wait for flashing process complete remember don't disconnect USB while you flashing.
>>After complete all flashing process you will be unlocked your Huawei e5573bs-320 but the IMEI number it will be 0000000000000000 so you will be needed to fix by dc-unlocker2client.exe then you need to get an IMEI of your device. to get IMEI to leave a cover and battery you will see it
>>After getting IMEI, put any sim card in your device put a battery power on the device then run dc-unlocker2client.exe click on search icon button Now type your IMEI on IMEI write code(at^cimei="354176109748XXX") then copy and paste on dc-unlocker2client then click enter you will get a message which says (ok)
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